Our Vision

“A Just society with peace and sustainable development”

Our Mission

  • Empowerment of communities towards determining and deciding their quality of life, future and destinies.
  • Develop a holistic, gender sensitive, sustainable, politically and spiritually motivated development paradigm to promote a wholesome and harmonious society.
  • Creation of mutual understanding and respect among nations where opposing views can be shared without fear of retribution, in order to engage in productive discussions and dialogues.
  • Facilitate and support peoples networking within and outside the Ampara District.


  • To promote democratic, harmonious and non provocative participatory development processes those are non-discriminative and rational, non-hostile to religions, beliefs, cultures and ethnicities, that preserve and respect the identities of all nations who live in Sri Lanka,
  • To protect the environment and preserve the natural ecosystems,
  • To protect small entrepreneurs and industrialists by providing them with technical know-how, skills and resources in order to get a better value for their products,
  • o promote community governance and politicize communities to secure their active participation to achieve participatory democracy.

Where we work

Here you can see where we are working

Our Partners